The Passing Away of Bapu

Author introduction

Nayantara Sehgal full name is Nayantara Pandit Sahgal. She was born on 10th May 1927 in Allahabad. She is a member of the Nehru-Gandhi family. She is the first female Indian English writer and Indian journalist. Her first writing was Prison and Chocolate Cake in 1954. Her fiction deals with India’s response to the crisis brought about by political change. She won the Sahitya Academy Award for her novel Rich Like Us in 1986.

Theme of the story

This story is a part of Nayantara Sehgal fiction story Prison and Chocolate Cake. This story goes around Gandhiji’s death and the author’s personal sense of loss. There was also the loss of the entire nation.

This story is also about the events that happened after the death of Mahatma Gandhi. How relatives, citizens, and Nayantara get shocked and suffer the sorrow. As well as how all those people have said goodbye to Mahatma Gandhi.

Story summary

Nayantara was having tea on the evening of 30th January 1948. She got an urgent call for Gandhiji shot at his prayer meeting. She went to Birla house to gather with relatives around Gandhiji’s body. The death news was spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by the wind. People are gathering in Birla house. People are so shocked that they cannot say a word. It feels like time is frozen. People start to cry to break into the room. Then they heard an announcement that they would get a chance to see the dead body of Gandhi Ji. Everyone was looking like a lost child and they had questions in their mind about what they would do now after he had left them. Nayantara listened to the broadcast telling the people of India that Gandhi was no more.

The funeral takes place a day after death. Everyone follows the funeral procession. Padmasi, Mr. Naidu’s daughter said that we would walk for the last time with Bapu. Thousands of followers silently watch as Gandhi’s body is carried on an open truck covered with flowers. The crowd is weeping and trying to touch Gandhi’s feet. Among the crowd, the author realizes that this moment holds deep significance. Nayantara and people had also walked with Gandhi over rough and smooth through India’s history. The author had walked with Bapu over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history. They could not accept the fact that he was never going to walk with them again. Gandhiji had walked all over India with staff in hand. Walking was a way for him to make slow progress, think with clarity, and closely look at all that was around him. He didn’t need any vehicles to walk. He needed his energy and his body. It was also a way for him to connect with the average Indian, as it was often the only way for them to travel. Gandhiji took this necessity and transformed it into a joyful effort.

After Gandhiji’s funeral, his ashes were taken to Allahabad on a special train. The compartment was decorated with flowers and people sang bhajans. People’s sadness started to fade and they felt Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs. At every station, sorrowful crowds filled the platform. The train reached Allahabad where Gandhiji’s ashes were immersed in the Ganges in the presence of a huge crowd at the bank.

The author and other people come back to Delhi after this. The author felt at sea that she did not directly walk or go to prison with Gandhiji or make any sacrifices for their country. Nayantara and her sister and young people like them are only a viewer but still, she felt that she was protected by the circle of magic of Gandhi ji. Now, She felt that the magic circle had vanished. However, the author roused herself and asked herself had Gandhiji lived and died for nothing? She thinks that she should not lose courage just because he is no longer there. Because her values were not so weak. If Bapu was not there Millions of people would have been ordinary folk. He had brought them out of indifference and awakened them toward one another’s suffering. The author again thinks that after Bapu left, we were still there, young, strong, and proud to bear Gandhiji’s banner before us.

Gandhiji had passed away, but his India would continue to live in his children.



  • The author was having tea at home when she received a phone call that Gandhiji had been shot on 30th January 1984.
  • She was numb with shock and got into the car to go to Birla House.
  • When she arrived at Birla House, Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his body.
  • There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.
  • The news of Gandhiji’s death spread through Delhi like wildfire.
  • People gathered around Birla House, too stunned to speak. It seems like the clock was stopped.
  • Later, they clamoured wildly, shouting and crying.
  • They pushed one another in a stampede to break into the house.
  • The people calmed down a little after hearing the announcement that they would be allowed to see Gandhiji before the funeral.
  • The people looked like a lost child, wondering what would they do without him.
  • The author and other mourners listened to the broadcast telling the people of India that their Bapu was no more.


  • Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death.
  • People lined in hours in advance for the route the funeral procession was to follow.
  • Padmasi, Mrs. Naidu’s daughter, spoke for everyone that we will walk. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.
  • People were watching how Bapu was lying on an open truck covered with flowers. They tried to touch the feet of Gandhi Ji.
  • The author understood that this was more than just a funeral procession. It was a time for people to grieve the loss of their leader.
  • The author had walked with Gandhiji over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history. People have to accept the fact that the man who had led them over many difficult paths, was never going to walk with them again.
  • Gandhiji had walked all over India with staff in hand. Walking was a way for him to make slow progress, think with clarity, and closely look at all that was around him.
  • Gandhi Ji’s physical presence was deeply connected with the average Indian, as it was often the only way for them to travel. Gandhiji’s ability to transform ordinary actions into meaningful actions.
  • Gandhiji took this necessity, as he took much that was commonplace, and transformed it into a joyful effort.


  • Some days after Gandhiji’s funeral, his ashes were taken to Allahabad in a special train.
  • The compartment was decorated with flowers and people sang bhajans.
  • People feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and the songs.
  • Sorrowful crowds filled the platform at every station.
  • The train reached Allahabad and the ashes were immersed in the Ganges.
  • A huge crowd was gathered at the bank to see.
  • The author realized that she was not directly involved in Gandhi’s actions, sacrifices, or prison experience. But still, feel the circle of magic of protection.
  • They felt like the magic circle had vanished at the sea bank.
  • However, the author awakened herself and asked herself had Gandhiji lived and died for nothing?
  • She realized that she should not lose courage. Her values are not so weak.
  • Gandhi ji made millions of ordinary people into folk.
  • He brought all people together and awakened them to one another’s suffering.
  • The author and other young people were still there, young, strong, and proud to bear Gandhiji’s banner before them.
  • Gandhiji had passed away, but his India would continue to live in his children.

Word meaning

WordEnglish meaningHindi meaning
Fictionliterature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.कथा
Responsea reaction to something, feedbackप्रतिक्रिया
Crisisa time of intense difficulty or danger, troubleसंकट
Broughttake or go with (someone or something) to a placeलाया
Politicalrelating to the government or public affairs of a countryराजनीतिक
Changemake (someone or something) different; alter or modifyपरिवर्तन
Extractremove or take outनिकालना
Memoira historical account or biography written from personal knowledgeजीवनी
Recountdetails, recount, particularityब्योरा, पुनर्गणना
Incidentan instance of something happening; an event or occurrenceघटना
VividlyFresh, recentताजा
DescribeExplainवर्णन करना
CollectiveBulk, mass, aggregatedसामूहिक
GriefSorrow, sadदुख
EntireWhole, fullसंपूर्ण
Prayerexpression of thanks addressed to God or another deityप्रार्थना
Numbdeprived of the power of physical sensationसुन्न
SpreadSpreadफैलना, प्रसार
FlameBlazeज्वाला, लौ
FannedIncrease the strength by blowing on itहवा में उड़ गया
StunnedSurprised, amazedहैरान,
ClamouredDemanded loudlyशोर मचाना
ShoutingScreaming, speaking very loudlyचिल्लाना
JostledForced one’s way by pushingधक्का-मुक्की
StampedeGetaway, rampageभगदड़
AnnouncedDeclaredघोषित, घोषणा
FuneralA ceremony or service held shortly after a person’s deathअंतिम संस्कार
WhimpersMakes low, crying noiseफुसफुसाहट
BecomeBegin to be, develop intoबनना
UppermostHighest in placeसर्वोच्च
Lostloseखो गया
UnbelievingNot believing someone or somethingअविश्वासी
ListenedHeardबात सुनी
RouteWay, pathमार्ग
AgonizingCausing great physical or mental painपीड़ा हो रही
CoveredCoveredढका हुआ
UnderstandMake senseसमझना
MerelyOnly, justकेवल
RecentLatestहाल में
AcceptAdmitस्वीकार करना
DifficultTough, hardकठिन 
ClarityAbility to clearly think about or understand somethingस्पष्टता
VehicleCarriage, automobileवाहन
CommonplaceOrdinaryआम, साधारण
TransformedChanged, convertedरूपांतरण
CompartmentCoachesडिब्बा, कम्पार्टमेंट
AmidBetweenके बीच
SorrowfulDeeply sadउदास
AfterwardsLaterबाद में
SacrificeGive up for the sake of other considerationsबलिदान
OnlookersWatcher, eyewitnessदर्शक
MagicSpell, charmजादू
VanishedDisappearगायब हो गई
RousedMake angry or excitedजगी
LoseLose, lostखोना
CourageDaring, boldnessसाहस
ValuesValue, priceमान, मूल्यों
OrdinarySimple, normalसाधारण
IndifferenceLack of interestमतभेद
AwakenedArousedजागा, जगाया
Sufferingthe state of undergoing painपीड़ा
ProudPride, proudगर्व
Bearcarry the weight of, supportसह, रखिए
Continuepersist in an activity or processजारी रखना

Comprehension exercises


1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) Gandhi had been shot on his way to

(i) The Birla House

(ii) the author’s house

(iii) a prayer meeting

(iv) a family gathering

Ans: (iii) a prayer meeting

b) The author came to know of Gandhiji’s death by

(i) a letter

(ii) a telephone call

(iii) a telegram

(iv) a public broadcast

Ans: (iii) a telegram

c) When one is faced with the shock of a loved one’s death, one

(i) whimpers

(ii) laughs

(iii) claps

(iv) shouts

Ans: (i) whimpers

2. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) date on which Gandhiji was shot dead30th January 1948
(b) place where Gandhiji breathed his lastBirla house
(c) information given by the broadcastBapu was no more

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer:

(a) The author received an urgent telephone call in the morning.      False

         Supporting statement: “When I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone.”

(b) People attempted to break into the Birla House.          True

        Supporting statement: “They jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house.”

(c) The news of Gandhiji’s death did not shock the people.      False

        Supporting statement: “We sat still shocked and unbelieving.”


4. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place

(i) on the day of his death

(ii) Two days after his death

(iii) one day after his death

(iv) a week after his death

Ans: (iii) one day after his death

b) Padmasi was Mrs. Naidu’s

(i) niece

(ii) sister

(iii) friend

(iv) daughter

Ans: (iv) daughter

c) While walking, Bapu used to carry in his hand a/an

(i) flag

(ii) staff

(iii) umbrella

(iv) cane

Ans: (ii) staff

5. Complete the following sentences with information from the next:

(a) Thousands of people wept, trying to touch Gandhiji’s feet.

(b) The author was among people for whom walking with Gandhiji had a special meaning.

(c) To walk is to make slow progress.

6. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) It was impossible to move.Because the crowd was very thick.
(b) Padmasi declared that they would walk with Gandhiji in the funeral procession.Because It was the last time they would be walking with Bapu.
(c) To walk was often the only way open to the average Indian.Because it is to think with clarity and closely look at all that is around you.


7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to

(i) Ahmedabad

(ii) Allahabad

(iii) Delhi

(iv) Benaras

Ans: (ii) Allahabad

(b) A huge crowd had gathered by the

(i) Ganges

(ii) Yamuna

(iii) Brahmaputra

(iv) Narmada

Ans: (i) Ganges

(c) Gandhiji awakened people to one another’s

(i) indifference

(ii) jealousy

(iii) suffering

(iv) greed

Ans: (iii) suffering

8. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(a) People on the special train sang bhajans.

(b) The author felt she had grown up within a magical circle.

(c) Bapu had passed away but his India would continue to live in his children.

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

(a) They could feel the presence of Gandhiji in flowers and songs.People did not weep anymore.
(b) The magic circle vanished.The author felt unprotected
(c) Her values were not so weak.The author felt that she wouldn’t lose courage so easily.

Grammar in use

10. Join the following pairs of sentences into single sentences as directed:

(a) I saw a snake. I ran away. (use participle)

Ans:  Seeing a snake I ran away.

(b) He learns music. He listens to the chords. (use preposition with gerund)

Ans: He learns music by listening to the chords.

(c) Gold is a precious metal. It is used to make ornaments. (use noun in apposition)

Ans: Gold, a precious metal is used to make ornaments.

(d) Ramu has some money. He can buy books. (use infinitive)

Ans: Ramu has some money to buy books.

(e) The sky was cloudy. We postponed our journey. (use nominative absolute)

Ans: The sky being cloudy, we postponed our journey.

(f) The boy wrote the answer. The answer was incorrect. (use adverbial phrase)

Ans: The boy wrote the answer incorrectly.

11. Join the following pairs of sentences into single compound sentences as directed:

(a) The old man is unwell. He cannot go out. (use Illative conjunction)

Ans: The old man is unwell so he cannot go out.


The old man cannot go out because he is unwell.

(b) He is honest. He is humble. (use cumulative conjunction)

Ans: He is honest and humble.


He is not only honest but also humble.

(c) Sonali cannot write poetry. She keeps on trying. (use adversative conjunction)

Ans: Sonali cannot write poetry, yet she keeps on trying.


Sonali cannot write poetry, but she keeps on trying.

(d) Study hard. You will not pass the examination. (use alternative conjunction)

Ans: Study hard or you will not pass the examination.

12. Join the following pairs of sentences into single complex sentences as directed:

(a) Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet. He won the Nobel Prize. (use adjective clause)

Ans: Rabindranath Tagore who is a famous poet won the Nobel Prize,

(b) He returned home. Everyone in the family had fallen asleep. (use adverb clause)

Ans: When he returned home, everyone in the family had fallen asleep.

(c) The sun rises in the east. Everyone knows it. (use noun clause)

Ans: The sun rises in the east which is known to everyone.


Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.

13. Join the following pairs of sentences into single sentences as directed:

(a) It rained hard. The roads were not flooded. (compound sentence)

Ans: It rained hard but the roads were not flooded.

(b) He completed his work. He took rest. (simple sentence)

Ans: Completing his work he took rest.

(c) Rahul is a great singer. He can sing different kinds of songs. (complex sentence)

Ans: Rahul who is a great singer can sing different kinds of songs.

(d) The time of departure of the train has changed. Alia knew it. (complex sentence)

Ans: Alia knew that the time of departure of the train had changed.

(e) I do not watch television. I do not listen to the radio. (compound sentence)

Ans: Neither do I watch television or listen to the radio.

(f) The child was short. The child could not pick the guava from the tree. (simple sentence)

Ans: The child being short could not pick the guava from the tree.

14. Split the following into two sentences:

(a) It rained and I could not leave my room.

Ans: It rained. I could not leave my room.

(b) He thought that he could win the race.

Ans: He could win the race. He thought.

(c) Having been informed of the trouble, the Principal left for home.

Ans: The principal was informed of the trouble. He left home.

(d) Nasir, who was the captain of the team, scored a century.

Ans: Nasir was the captain of the team. He scored a century.

Additional Question and Answer:

Fill in the blanks.

I. Complete the following sentences with information from the text.

1. The author was having. (tea/coffee/water) at home on the evening of………..(29/30/31) January ……..(1947/1948/1949).

Ans. Tea; 30th ; 1948

2. The author was called to Birla house by an urgent……….. (Tala/telephone/telemessage)

Ans. Telephone

3. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a .. ..(general/prayer/public) meeting.

Ans. Prayer

4. At the Birla …..(apartment/ flat// house)

Ans: House

5. Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his…..(head/body/face)

Ans. body

6. There was silence in the……..(room/hall/stadium) as Gandhiji breathed his….(first/last/least)

Aus. Room; last

7. Sad….(groups/parties/students) of men and women had collected around.. (Kala/Birla/Kisan) house.

Ans. Groups; Birla.

8. People did not make a…….(noise/play/sound).

Ans. Sound.

9. The people were too………….(amazed/speechless/stunned) to speak in the …(ending/beginning/complaining)

Ans. stunned/beginning

10. Later people clamoured wildly shouting and…………(laughing/creeping crying)

Ans. Crying

11. We listened to the…….. (telecast/broadcast/ forecast/ telling the people of ..(Africa/England/India) that their Bapu was no more.

Ans. Broadcast; India.

12. Gandhiji’s…………(feast/ funeral/video) was to take place the day after his.. (dead/died/death).

Ans. funeral; death

13. It was an agonizing…(work/ walk/word).

Ans. walk

14. Thousands. ..(loudly/silently/playful) watch the.. (dimension/procession/examination).

Ans. silently; procession

15. This was even more than the funeral procession of India’s beloved…………(prime minister/president/leader).

Ans. leader

16. I…………(am/is/was) among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special……. (impression/meaning/feeling)

Ans. was; meaning

True and false

State whether the following statements are True or false. Provide sentences Phrases/words in support of your answer.

1. The author was giving coffee at home on the evening of 31st January 1948.

Ans. False

S/s: I was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January 1948.

2. The author was called to Birla house by an urgent fax.

Ans. False

S/s: When I was called to Birla House by an urgent telephone.

3. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to the office.

Ans. False

S/s: Gandhij had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.

4. The author was speechless with shock.

Ans. True

S/s: I was numb with shock as I got into the car.

5. Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his body at his office.

Ans. False

S/s: At Birla House Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his body.

6. There was silence in the ground as Gandhiji breathed his last.

Ans. False

S/s: There was silence in the room as Gandhiji breathed his last.

7. Words of Bapuji’s death had spread very quickly.

Ans. True

S/s: Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by wind.

8. A large number of people had gathered around Birla House.

Ans. True

S/s: Sad groups of men and women had collected around Birla Houses.

9. Out of every door one could see a brown blur of faces.

Ans. False

S/s: Out of every window one could see a brown blur of faces.

10. The people were silent.

Ans. True

S/s: They did not make a sound

11. There was a supernatural silence.

Ans. False

S/s: There was an unnatural silence.

12. The mourning people looked like lost children.

Ans. True

S/S. They looked like lost children.

13. The people of India came to know from the television that Bapu was no more.

Ans. False

S/s: We listened to the broadcast telling the people of India that their Bapu was no more.

14. Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place on the same day of his death.

Ans. False

S/s: Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place the day after his death.

15. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with National flag.

Ans. False

S/s: Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers.

Multiple choice answer question:


1. When did Gandhiji die?

(i) 30th January 1984

(ii) 26th January 1948

(iii) 30th January 1948

(iv) 26th January 1984

Ans: (iii) 30th January 1948

2. Where did Gandhiji die?

(i) In the Birla House

(ii) In the author’s house

(iii) In a prayer meeting

(iv) In a family gathering

Ans: (i) In the Birla House

3. Where had been Gandhiji shot?

(i) In the Birla House

(ii) in the author’s house

(iii) in a prayer meeting

(iv) In a family gathering

Ans: (iii) in a prayer meeting

4. Where did Gandhiji take his last breath?

(i) In the Birla House

(ii) in the author’s house

(iii) in a prayer meeting

(iv) In a family gathering

Ans: (i) In the Birla House

5. Why did people calmed?

(i) They would be allowed to see Gandhiji.

(ii) They would not be allowed to see Gandhiji.

(iii) They would be allowed to enter the house.

Ans: (i) They would be allowed to see Gandhiji.

6. The author was having tea at home on the evening of 30th January


(ii) 1948

(iii) 1949

(iv) 1950

Ans. (ii) 1948

7. On the evening of 30th January 1948, the author was having tea at

(i) Hotel

(ii) Home

(iii) House

Ans. ii) Home

8. On the evening of 30th January 1948 at home the author was having

(i) Breakfast


(iii) Dinner

(iv) Tea

Ans. (iv) tea

9. The author was called to Birla house by an urgent

(i) Message

(ii) Telephone

(iii) Fax

Ans. (ii) Telephone

10. On the way to a prayer meeting. Gandhiji had been

(i) Shown

(ii) Shocked

(iii) Shot

Ans. (iii) Shot

11. As the author got into the car, she was numb with

(i) Shock

(ii) Joy

(iii) Pain

(iv) Frustration

Ans. (i) Shock

12. Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his body at the

(i) Bikash Bhavan

(ii) Botanical Garden

(iii) Birla House

(iv) Mousumi centre

Ans. (iii) Birla House

13. At the Birla House Gandhiji’s relatives and followers had gathered around his

(i) Bed

(ii) Beddings

(iii) Body

(iv) Face

Ans. (iii) Body

14. As Gandhiji breathed his last there was silence in the

(i) Temple

(ii) Room

(iii) Church

(iv) Bed room

Ans. (ii) Room

15. Like a flame fanned by wind, words of Bapuji’s death had spread through

(i) Kolkata

(ii) Delhi

(iii) Mumbai

(iv) Chennai

Ans: (ii) Delhi

16. Words of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like flame fanned by

(i) Storm

(ii) Rain

(iii) Wind

Ans: (iii) Wind

17. Around Birla House sad groups of men and women had

(i) Collected

(ii) Gathered

(iii) Assembled

(iv) Exhausted

Ans: (ii) Gathered

18. Sad groups of men and women had collected around

(i) Bikash Bhavan

(ii) Birla House

(iii) Tara House

(iv) Writers Building

Ans. (i) Birla House,

19. One could see a brown blur of faces out of every

(i) Door

(ii) Keyhole

(iii) Pane

(iv) Window

Ans. (iv) Window

20. At the Birla House, there was an unnatural

(i) Hot

(ii) Silence

(iii) Cold

(iv) Jostle

Ans. (ii) Silence

21. The people jostled to one another in a stampede to break into the

(i) Room

(ii) Class

(iii) Car

(iv) House

Ans. (iv) House

22. To break into the house the people jostled one another in a

(i) Stampede

(ii) Crowd

(iii) Bus

(iv) Train

Ans. (i) Stampede

23. It was announced that people would be allowed to see Gandhiji before the

(i) Burial

(ii) Funeral

(iii) Stampede

(iv) Vanishing

Ans. (ii) Funeral

24. The people looked like lost

(i) Burden

(ii) Children

(iii) Women

(iv) Golden ornament

Ans. (ii) Children

25. We listened to the broadcast telling the people of India that their Bapu was no

(i) More

(ii) Love

(iii) Risk

Ans. (i) More

26. Hours in advance, people lined the route the funeral procession was to

(i) Follow

(ii) Observe

(iii) Display

(iv) Demand

Ans: (i) Follow


26. When did Gandhiji’s funeral take place?

(i) the day after his death.

(ii) on the day of death.

(iii) two days after his death.

Ans: (i) the day after his death.

27. Who is Padmasi?

(i) Mrs Naidu’s daughter

(ii) Mr. Nandu’s daughter

(iii) Mr. Nehru’s daughter

(iv) Mr. Nehra’s daughter

Ans: (i) Mrs Naidu’s daughter

28. “It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.”

Who said this?

(i) Nayantara Sehgal

(ii) The author

(iii) Padmasi

(iv) Mrs. Naidu

Ans: (iii) Padmasi

29. “I was among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special meaning.”

Who was I?

(i) Nayantara Sehgal

(ii) The people

(iii) Padmasi

(iv) Mrs. Naidu

Ans: (i) Nayantara Sehgal

30. Mrs Naidu’s daughter said “It is the last time we shall be walking with

(i) B. R, Ambedkar

(ii) Bapu

(iii) B. R Singh

Ans. (ii) Bapu

31. It was an agonizing

(i) Run

(ii) Walk

(iii) Speech

Ans: (ii) Walk

32. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with

(i) Bed shed

(ii) White saree

(iii) White flowers

(iv) Flowers

Ans. (iv) Flowers

33. Covered with flowers, Bapu lay on an open

(i) Lorry

(ii) Jeep

(iii) Truck

(iv) Cart

Ans. (iii) Truck

34. Thousands of people wept trying to touch Bapu’s

(i) Toe

(ii) Finger

(iii) Body

(iv) Feet

Ans. (iv) Feet

35. Trying to touch Bapu feet, thousands of people

(a) Crept

(b) Wept

(c) Weed

(iv) Feet

Ans: (iv) Feet


36. When did ashes are taken to Allahabad?

(i) the day after his death.

(ii) on the day of death.

(iii) two days after his death.

(iv) Someday after the funeral

Ans: (iv) Someday after the funeral

37. Every station filled with _________

(i) sorrowful

(ii) sorrowful people

(iii) sorrow crowd

(iv) sorrowful crowd

Ans: (iv) sorrowful crowd

38. The ashes were immersed in the

(i) Ganges

(ii) Yamuna

(iii) Brahmaputra

(iv) Narmada

Ans: (i) Ganges

39. Some days after the funeral, Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to Allahabad by a special

(i) Bus

(ii) Aeroplane

(iii) Ship

(iv) Train

Ans. (iv) Train

40. The compartment of the special train was decked with

(i) Garlands

(ii) Flowers

(iii) Papers

(iv) Bed sheds

Ans. (ii) Flowers.

41. People on the train sang

(i) Rabindra Sangeet

(ii) Prayer song

(iii) Bhakti geet

(iv) Bhajans

Ans. (iv) Bhajans

42. Amid song and prayer the train reached

(i) Kolkata

(ii) Delhi

(iii) Allahabad

(iv) Assam

Ans. (iii) Allahabad

43. The ashes of Gandhiji were immersed in the

(i) Ganges

(ii) Jamuna

(iii) Saraswati

(iv) Godavari

Ans. (i) Ganges

44. Finally, all the sad people came back to

(i) Kolkata

(ii) Mumbai

(iii) Delhi

(iv) Chennai

Ans. (iii) Delhi

45. Back in Delhi the author felt at

(i) Sea

(ii) River

(iii) Bed

(iv) Swimming pool

Ans. (i) Sea

46. The author, her sisters and other young people had been merely

(i) Back workers

(ii) Outlookers

(iii) On lookers

Ans: (b) On lookers

47. The author felt that she had grown up within a magic

(i) Radius

(ii) Circle

(iii) Hole

(iv) Shop

Ans. (ii) Circle

48. The author’s values were not so

(a) Week

(b) Weak

(c) wicked

(d) Weeds

Ans. (b) Weak

49. Millions of people would have been ordinary

(i) Talk

(ii) Word

(iii) Dress

(iv) Folk

Ans: (iv) Folk

50. Bapuji awakened the ordinary people to one another

(i) Loving

(ii) Painting

(iii) Suffering

(iv) Thinking

Ans: (iii) Suffering

Question and answer:


51. Who is the author of the text. “The passing Away of Bapu?”

Ans. Nayantara Sehgal is the author of the text “The Passing Away of Bapu”.

52. Who was Nayantara Sehgal?

Ans: Nayantara Sehgal is one of the first female Indian writer in English.

53. What award did she win and for what?

Ans: Nayantara Sehgal won the Sahitya Academy award for her novel; “Rich Like Us”.

54. In which year did Nayantara Sehgal win the Sahitya Academy Award?

Ans. Nayantara Sehgal won the Sahitya Academy Award in 1986.

55. What was the author doing on the evening of 30th January 1948?

Ans. On the evening of 30th January, 1948 the author was taking tea at home.

56. Who received an urgent telephone from Birla House?

Ans. The author received an urgent telephone from Birla House.

57. Where had Gandhiji been shot?

Ans. Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a prayer meeting.

58. Who was numb with shock?

Ans. The author was numb with shock.

59. Who gathered around Bapuji’s body and where?

Ans. The relatives and followers of Bapuji gathered around his body at the Birla House.

60. How did the news of Bapuji’s death spread out?

Ans. The news of Bapuji’s death had spread through Delhi like a flame fanned by wind.

61. Where did the sad groups of men and women collect?

Ans. The sad groups of men and women had collected around Birla House.

62. What could one see out of every window?

Ans. Out of every window, one could see a brown blur of faces.

63. Time stood still for those few minutes Give the reason.

Ans. Sad groups of men and women had collected around Birla House. Out of every window, one could see a brown blur of faces. They did not make a sound. There was an unnatural silence.

64. Who was too stunned to speak in the beginning?

Ans. The groups of people were too stunned to speak in the beginning.

65. Why did people jostle one another?

Ans. People jostled one another to break the Birla House.

66. What did the author do when she got a call?

Ans: The author was having tea at home when she got a call.

67. How did the author feel when she heard the news of death?

Ans: She was numb with shock when she heard the news of death.

68. Where did everyone gather after hearing the death of Gandhiji?

Ans: Everyone gathers at Birla House after hearing the death of Gandhiji.

69. What was happening in the Birla House?

Ans: After Gandhiji’s death news spread, everyone was coming to Birla’s house to see him last time. Out of every window of the house, only a brown blurred face was looking. Everyone was silent in or out of the house.

70. What was the question that arose in everyone’s heart?

Ans: Everyone questions themselves What will become of them now that he has left them?

71. What was the broadcast telling?

Ans: The broadcast was telling the people of India that their Bapu was no more.


72. How did Gandhiji’s funeral take place?

Ans: Gandhiji’s funeral took place the day after his death. People lined the route hours in advance to follow the funeral procession. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. Thousands of people were crying and trying to touch Bapu’s feet.

73. What did Padmasi say?

Ans: Padmasi said that we will walk with Bapu. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu.

74. What could not people believe?

Ans: People could not now accept the fact that the man who had led them over many difficult paths, was never going to walk with them again.

75. How did Bapu walk in India?

Ans: Bapu’s slight figure had walked, staff in hand, over a large part of India.

76. How did Bapu walk effect in India?

Ans: Bapu Walk made slow progress. The walk was open new way for the average Indian. He didn’t need a vehicle to walk. He only needed his own body and energy to walk.

77. When did people calm down?

Ans. The people calmed down when it was announced that they would be allowed to see Gandhiji before the funeral.

78. What was the question uppermost in the mind of the mourning people?

Ans. The question uppermost in the mind of the mourning people was that what will become

of now that he (Bapuji) has left.

79. How did the mourning people look like?

Ans. The mourning people looked like lost children.

80. When did the people of India come to know that their Bapu was no more?

Ans. The people of India came to know that their Bapu was no more from the radio broadcast.

81. When did Gandhji’s funeral take place?

Ans. Gandhiji’s funeral took place the day after his death.

82. Who was Padmasi?

Ans. Padmasi was Mrs. Naidu’s daughter.

83. What did Padmasi say?

Ans. Padmasi said simply ‘We will walk. It is the last time we shall be walking with Bapu’.

84. How was the walk with Bapu?

Ans. It was an agonizing walk.

85. Where did Bapu lie on?

Ans. Bapu lay on an open truck covered with flowers. 

86. Who was India’s beloved leader?”

Ans. Gandhiji was India’s beloved leader.


87. Where did Gandhiji’s ashes go by train?

Ans: Gandhiji’s ashes gone to Allahabad by train.

88. What did people do on the train?

Ans: People were singing bhajans and decorated the train with flowers. People feel the presence of Gandhiji through songs and flowers.

89. Where did the writer come back?

Ans: The writer came back to Delhi.

90. What did the author feel at sea?

Ans: The author felt that she did not directly walk with Gandhiji or go to prison at his call nor she sacrifice for the country. Rather than that she felt that she had grown up within a magic circle. Now, she felt the magic circle had vanished, leaving me unprotected.

91. Why did Gandhiji bring people out of indifference?

Ans: Gandhiji brought people out of indifference because he wanted to awaken them to one another’s suffering.

92. Walking with Bapu had a special meaning – Discuss.

Ans. The author along with other thousands of people had walked with Bapu over the rough and smooth of India’s recent history. They could not accept till then the fact that the man never going to walk with them again.

93. Who had led us over many difficult paths?

Ans: Gandhiji had led us over many difficult paths.

294. Who had walked over a large part of India?

Ans. Staff in hand, slight figure, Bapu had walked over a large part of India.

95. Who required no vehicle?

Ans. The average Indian required no vehicle.

96. What did the special train take?

Ans. The special train took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad.

97. How was the compartment decked?

Ans. The compartment was decked with flowers.

98. What did the people do on the train?

Ans. The people sang bhajans on the train

99. Why did not the people weep anymore?

Ans. The people did not weep anymore because they could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the flowers and songs.

100. Who filled the platform at every station?

Ans. The sorrowful crowd filled the platform at every station.

101. How did the train reach Allahabad?

Ans. The train reached Allahabad amid song and prayer.

102. Where were the ashes immersed?

Ans. The ashes were immersed in the Ganges.

103. Where had a huge crowd gathered?

Ans. A huge crowd had gathered at the bank of the Ganges.

104. What did the people do at last?

Ans. At last, the people came back to Delhi.

105. What did not the author do directly with Gandhiji?

Ans. The author did not directly walk with Gandhiji nor gone to prison at his call or made any sacrifices.

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