Q. What was the aim of the Non-Cooperation Movement?

Top Answer

The Non-Cooperation Movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1920 to fight against British rule in India in a peaceful way.

The Non-Cooperation Movement had three main goals:
** Swaraj (Self-Rule)
** Boycotting British Goods
** Promoting Indian Self-Reliance (Encouraging Indians to depend on themselves)

Swaraj (Self-Rule): This means India should govern itself instead of being ruled by the British. Indians wanted the freedom to make their own decisions.

Boycotting British Goods: People were asked to stop using things made by the British, like clothes or items sold in their shops. This was to show that Indians no longer wanted to support the British or their businesses.

Promoting Indian Self-Reliance: Gandhi encouraged Indians to make and use their own goods, like spinning their own clothes (Khadi). This way, people could depend on themselves and not on the British.


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