Q. Differences between real image and virtual image.

Top Answer

Differences between real image and virtual image.

Real imageVirtual image
1. Real image is formed when light rays from an object, after reflection, actually meet (intersect) at one point.1. Virtual image is formed when light rays from an object, after reflection, appear to meet (intersect) at one point.
2. Real image can be obtained on a screen.2. Virtual image cannot be obtained on a screen.
3. Real image is an inverted image.3. Virtual image is an erect image.
4. The image formed on a movie screen by a projector, the image formed by a camera lens.4. The image seen in a mirror, the image seen through a magnifying glass.
5. Formed by converging lenses or concave mirrors.5. Formed by diverging lenses or convex mirrors.


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