Q. Differences between conduction, convection and radiation.

Top Answer

Differences between conduction, convection and radiation.

Conduction of heatConvection of heatThermal radiation
1. Convection requires a medium for heat transfer but there is no actual motion of medium particles during conduction.1. Convection requires a medium for heat transfer and molecules of medium actually move to receive heat.1. Thermal radiation does not require any medium. Radiations can be propagated through a vacuum.
2. It mainly takes place in solids and especially in metallic solids.2. It mainly takes place in liquids and gases, and convection currents are formed.2. Medium does not play any role in thermal radiation.
3. Conduction is a slow process.3. Convection is faster than conduction.3. Thermal radiation is the fastest process. Radiant energy travels with the speed of light.
4. In conduction, heat can be transferred in any direction.4. In convection, heat is mainly transferred in the vertically upward direction.4. Heat travels in straight path from source to the given object.


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