Category ICSE 8

What is floating?

Q. What is floating? Top Answer Solution:Floating – An object will float on a liquid if its density is less than the density of the liquid. When an object is placed over a liquid whose density is more than the…

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What is sinking?

Q. What is sinking? Top Answer Solution:Sinking – An object will sink in a liquid, if its density is more than the density of the liquid. When an object is placed over a liquid whose density is less than the…

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What is Sublimation?

Q. What is Sublimation? Top Answer Solution:The process by which a solid directly changes into a gas on heating is called sublimation. Again, vapours of these substances on cooling, directly solidify, Camphor, naphthalene, iodine and ammonium chloride are examples of…

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What is Evaporation?

Q. What is Evaporation? Top Answer Solution:The process of conversion of a liquid into vapour at the temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation. Evaporation is a slow process and takes place only at the free surface of a…

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