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What is chemistry?

Q. What is chemistry? Top Answer Solution:Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter, its properties, composition, structure, and the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. It explores the behavior and interactions of atoms, molecules,…

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What is a nucleus?

Q. What is a nucleus? Top Answer Solution:A nucleus is a small spherical or oval structure.The nucleus controls all the activities of the cell, therefore it is called the control center of the cell.It stores information of all the heredity…

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What is cytoplasm?

Q. What is cytoplasm? Top Answer Solution:Cytoplasm is a jelly-like thick substance present between the cell membrane and nucleus.It contains up to 90% of water.It is a vital component of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.Many life processes of the cell…

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What is Lysosome?

Q. What is Lysosome? Top Answer Solution:Lysosomes are small, rounded sacs, filled with tissue dissolving enzymes. They help in the digestion of foreign bodies. They also take part in autodigestion. They digest worn-out parts of their own cells. So, they…

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What is cell theory?

Q. What is cell theory? Top Answer Solution:All living organisms are made up of cells, this statement is known as cell theory.Cell theory was given by two scientists named Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. The cell theory states(1) Every living…

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