Percentage Formulas

Percentage Formulas

1. Basic Percentage Formula

P = Part Whole × 100

To find the percentage of a part out of a whole.

2. Percentage Increase/Decrease

Percentage Increase = New Value Old Value Old Value × 100

Percentage Decrease = Old Value New Value Old Value × 100

To calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two values.

3. Finding the Part (Given Percentage)

Part = Percentage 100 × Whole

To find the part when the percentage is given.

4. Finding the Whole (Given Percentage)

Whole = Part × 100 Percentage

To find the whole quantity when you know the part and the percentage.

5. Percentage of a Number

Percentage of a Number = Percentage 100 × Number

To calculate a certain percentage of a given number.

6. Percentage Change

Percentage Change = New Value Old Value Old Value × 100

To calculate the percentage change from an old value to a new value.

7. Successive Percentage Changes

Successive Percentage Change = ( 1 + P1 100 ) × ( 1 + P2 100 ) 1

To calculate the overall percentage change when multiple percentage changes are applied sequentially.

8. Finding Discount Percentage

Discount Percentage = Discount Marked Price × 100

To find the percentage discount based on the marked price.

9. Finding Marked Price After Discount

Marked Price = Discounted Price ( 1 Discount Percentage 100 )

To find the marked price after applying a percentage discount.

10. Successive Discount Formula

Final Price = Original Price × ( 1 d1 100 ) × ( 1 d2 100 )

When successive discounts are given, multiply each discount factor (1 – discount percentage) in sequence to find the final price.

11. Percentage Profit or Loss

Profit Percentage = Profit Cost Price × 100

Loss Percentage = Loss Cost Price × 100

To calculate the percentage profit or loss based on the cost price.

12. Finding the Original Price After Profit or Loss Percentage

Original Price = Selling Price ( 1 + Profit Percentage 100 )

Original Price = Selling Price ( 1 Loss Percentage 100 )

To find the original price before profit or loss is added or subtracted.

13. Finding Percentage of Change in Value (Using Absolute Value)

Percentage Change = Absolute Change in Value Original Value × 100

To determine the percentage change using the absolute difference between the original and new values.

14. Percentage Composition (of a mixture)

Percentage Composition of Component = Mass of Component Total Mass × 100

To calculate the percentage of a component in a mixture or compound.

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