List of 99 Phobias – Common Phobias from A to Z
1. What is Phobia?
A phobia is fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. It goes beyond a typical fear response and can cause intense anxiety or panic when faced with a phobic stimulus. Phobias can cause significant distress and can impact a person’s daily life, often requiring therapy or treatment to manage.
2. List of common 99 phobias
1. | Acrophobia | Fear of heights. |
2. | Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders. |
3. | Claustrophobia | Fear of confined spaces. |
4. | Agoraphobia | Fear of situations where escape might be difficult or help unavailable. |
5. | Ophidiophobia | Fear of snakes. |
6. | Trypophobia | Fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. |
7. | Cynophobia | Fear of dogs. |
8. | Hemophobia | Fear of blood. |
9. | Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) | Fear of social situations and scrutiny by others. |
10. | Mysophobia | Fear of germs or dirt. |
11. | Astraphobia | Fear of thunder and lightning. |
12. | Nomophobia | Fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to use it. |
13. | Ergophobia | Fear of work or functioning. |
14. | Xenophobia | Fear or dislike of strangers or foreigners. |
15. | Triskaidekaphobia | Fear of the number 13. |
16. | Glossophobia | Fear of public speaking. |
17. | Thanatophobia | Fear of death or dying. |
18. | Pteromerhanophobia | Fear of flying. |
19. | Ablutophobia | Fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning. |
20. | Automatonophobia | Fear of human-like figures, such as mannequins, robots, or animatronics. |
21. | Coulrophobia | Fear of clowns. |
22. | Nyctophobia | Fear of darkness or night. |
23. | Zoophobia | Fear of animals. |
24. | Emetophobia | Fear of vomiting. |
25. | Entomophobia | Fear of insects. |
26. | Phonophobia | Fear of loud noises or sounds. |
27. | Aquaphobia | Fear of water. |
28. | Nosophobia | Fear of contracting a disease. |
29. | Ephebiphobia | Fear of teenagers or adolescence. |
30. | Ornithophobia | Fear of birds. |
31. | Taphophobia | Fear of being buried alive. |
32. | Genuphobia | Fear of knees or kneeling. |
33. | Pogonophobia | Fear of beards. |
34. | Aichmophobia | Fear of needles or pointed objects. |
35. | Coulrophobia | Fear of clowns. |
36. | Chromophobia | Fear of colors. |
37. | Ligyrophobia | Fear of loud noises. |
38. | Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia | Fear of long words. |
39. | Pediophobia | Fear of dolls. |
40. | Selenophobia | Fear of the moon. |
41. | Anuptaphobia | Fear of staying single or unmarried. |
42. | Chronophobia | Fear of time or time passing. |
43. | Necrophobia | Fear of death or dead things. |
44. | Anginophobia | Fear of choking or narrowness. |
45. | Emetophobia | Fear of vomiting. |
46. | Coulrophobia | Fear of clowns. |
47. | Nyctohylophobia | Fear of dark wooded areas or forests at night. |
48. | Phasmophobia | Fear of ghosts. |
49. | Selachophobia | Fear of sharks. |
50. | Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia | Fear of the number 666. |
51. | Dermatophobia | Fear of skin diseases. |
52. | Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being forgotten or ignored. |
53. | Mageirocophobia | Fear of cooking. |
54. | Amaxophobia | Fear of riding in a car. |
55. | Heliophobia | Fear of the sun or sunlight. |
56. | Chiroptophobia | Fear of bats. |
57. | Catoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors. |
58. | Eisoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror. |
59. | Haphephobia | Fear of being touched. |
60. | Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being forgotten or ignored. |
61. | Ombrophobia | Fear of rain or being rained on. |
62. | Philophobia | Fear of falling in love or emotional attachment. |
63. | Spheksophobia | Fear of wasps. |
64. | Gymnophobia | Fear of nudity. |
65. | Scriptophobia | Fear of writing in public. |
66. | Euphobia | Fear of good news. |
67. | Arithmophobia | Fear of numbers. |
68. | Barophobia | Fear of gravity. |
69. | Astrophobia | Fear of stars or celestial space. |
70. | Spectrophobia | Fear of mirrors or one’s own reflection. |
71. | Theophobia | Fear of God or religion. |
72. | Kakorrhaphiophobia | Fear of failure or defeat. |
73. | Geniophobia | Fear of chins. |
74. | Koinoniphobia | Fear of rooms full of people. |
75. | Phobophobia | Fear of fear or developing a phobia. |
76. | Spectrophobia | Fear of ghosts or specters. |
77. | Papyrophobia | Fear of paper. |
78. | Bibliophobia | Fear of books. |
79. | Deipnophobia | Fear of dining or dinner conversations. |
80. | Venustraphobia | Fear of beautiful women. |
81. | Verbophobia | Fear of words. |
82. | Tocophobia | Fear of childbirth or pregnancy. |
83. | Iatrophobia | Fear of doctors or going to the doctor. |
84. | Myrmecophobia | Fear of ants. |
85. | Xylophobia | Fear of wooden objects or forests. |
86. | Apeirophobia | Fear of infinity. |
87. | Coitophobia | Fear of sexual intercourse. |
88. | Paraskavedekatriaphobia | Fear of Friday the 13th. |
89. | Athazagoraphobia | Fear of being forgotten or ignored. |
90. | Allodoxaphobia | Fear of opinions. |
91. | Rhytiphobia | Fear of getting wrinkles. |
92. | Symmetrophobia | Fear of symmetry or symmetrical things. |
93. | Zemmiphobia | Fear of the great mole rat. |
94. | Cibophobia | Fear of food or eating. |
95. | Nomatophobia | Fear of names. |
96. | Phronemophobia | Fear of thinking. |
97. | Papaphobia | Fear of the Pope or the papacy. |
98. | Novercaphobia | Fear of stepmothers. |
99. | Zelophobia | Fear of jealousy or jealousy itself. |
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