Chapter 5 – Human Resource Questions and Answers

Content structure

  • A. Exercise questions & answers
    • Answer the following questions.
    • Tick the correct answer
    • Complete the sentences below using some of the following words.
  • B. Additional questions and answers
    • Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs)
    • Fill in the blanks
    • True or False
    • Match the following
    • Short-type questions and answers
    • Long-type questions and answers

A. Exercise questions & answers

Answer the following questions. 

(i) Why are people considered a resource?
Ans: Human beings are a nation’s most important resource because they use their knowledge and skills to improve things, generate new ideas, and help their country grow. Their efforts are important for progress and development. 
Natural resources become valuable only through human use. Without human utility, they have no value and are not considered resources.

(ii) What are the causes for the uneven distribution of population in the world?
Ans: Population density depends on the climate conditions and topography of a place. Few people live in high-latitude areas, tropical deserts, mountainous terrains, and forested regions, while larger populations tend to reside in plains. The fertility of the soil, availability of fresh water, and minerals are other major geographical factors that make plains more suitable for living. Social factors, such as better housing, education, and healthcare facilities, also boost population density in a region. Places with cultural or historical significance are usually more populated, and employment opportunities attract larger numbers of people.

(iii) The world population has grown very rapidly. Why?
Ans: The world population has grown quickly because of better healthcare, more food, clean water, and improved living conditions, which make people live longer and healthier. The birth rates are increasing and death rates are decreasing. 

(iv) Discuss the role of any two factors influencing population change.
Ans: Two factors that affect population change are:

Birth Rate: A high birth rate increases the population as more babies are born. A low birth rate leads to fewer births and slower population growth.
Death Rate: When the death rate is high, the population decreases because more people are dying. When the death rate is low, fewer people die, and the population may grow or stay steady.

(v) What is meant by population composition?
Ans: Population composition refers to the structure of a population, including characteristics like age, gender, education, occupation, and income. It helps to understand the makeup and diversity of a population.

(vi) What are population pyramids? How do they help in understanding about the population of a country?
Ans: Population pyramids show the number of people in a country divided by age and gender groups.
They help us to understand
A. How many young, middle-aged, and old people there are
B. What might the country need in the future, like schools or jobs?
Population pyramids make it easy to see how a population changes and what it might need.

Tick the correct answer

(i) What does the term population distribution refer to?
(a) How the population in a specified area changes over time.
(b) The number of people who die is about the number of people born in a specified area.
(c) How people are spread across a given area.

Ans: (c) How people are spread across a given area.

(ii) What are the three main factors that cause population change?
(a) Births, deaths and marriage
(b) Births, deaths and migration
(c) Births, deaths and life expectancy

Ans: (b) Births, deaths and migration.

(iii) In 1999, the world population reached
(a) 1 billion
(b) 3 billion 
(c) 6 billion

Ans: (c) 6 billion.

(iv) What is a population pyramid?
(a) A graphical presentation of the age, and sex composition of a population.
(b) When the population density of an area is so high that people live in tall buildings.
(c) Pattern of population distribution in large urban areas.

Ans: (a) A graphical presentation of the age, and sex composition of a population.

Complete the sentences below using some of the following words.

sparsely, favourable, fallow, artificial, fertile, natural, extreme, densely

When people are attracted to an area it becomes ………………….. populated Factors that influence this include ………………….. climate; good supplies of ………………….. resources and ………………….. land. 

When people are attracted to an area it becomes densely populated Factors that influence this include a favourable climate; good supplies of natural resources and fertile land.

B. Additional questions and answers

Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs)

1. The most populated continent is- 
(a) Asia 
(b) Africa 
(c) Europe 
(d) South America

Ans: (a) Asia

2. What is the most important factor determining where people settle?
(a) Cultural traditions
(b) Economic opportunities
(c) Political stability
(d) Social networks

Ans: (b) Economic opportunities

3. What is the average population density of the world in persons per sq km? 
(a) 300 
(b) 100 
(c) 45 
(d) 10

Ans: (c) 45

4. What is the main reason why cities have a large population?
(a) Farming activities
(b) Better education and healthcare services
(c) Pleasant weather
(d) Traditional ways of living

Ans: (b) Better education and healthcare services

5. The least number of people live on this continent
(a) North America 
(b) Europe 
(c) Oceania 
(d) Antarctica

Ans: (d) Antarctica

6. Which of these countries has a population below 100 million? 
(a) Japan 
(b) Peru 
(c) USA 
(d) India

Ans: (b) Peru

7. Which factor does not directly affect the population change?
(a) Birth rate
(b) Death rate
(c) Migration
(d) Language spoken

Ans: (d) Language spoken 

8. The population of the world is
(a) 0.77 billions
(b) 7.0 billion
(c) 77 billion
(d) 0.077 billions

Ans: (b) 7.0 billion

9. According to population, what is India’s rank in the world?
(a) 7th 
(b) 2nd 
(c) 5th 
(d) 1st

Ans: (b) 2nd

10. Which of these countries is notable for the number of people who emigrate outside from there? 
(a) Sudan 
(b) Australia 
(c) New Zealand 
(d) None of these

Ans: (a) Sudan 

11. When a person enters a new country, these are called – 
(a) Urbanization
(b) Emigration
(c) Migration
(d) Colonization

Ans: (b) Migration

12. Which country has a low population growth rate?
(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) The United Kingdom
(d) Brazil

Ans: (c) The United Kingdom

13. Which country has a high population growth rate?
(a) Pakistan
(b) India
(c) Kenya
(d) China

Ans: (c) Kenya

14. Why are Osaka in Japan and Mumbai in India crowded with people?
(a) The land in these areas is good for living.
(b) These places are important for religion.
(c) They have many industries and jobs.
(d) They have very nice weather.

Ans: (c) They have many industries and jobs.

15. What is it called when we use resources carefully and allow them to renew over time?
(a) Resource Development
(b) Sustainable Conservation
(c) Sustainable Development
(d) Resource Conservation

Ans: (d) Resource conservation

16. Which place has a small population because the climate is very harsh?
(a) Tropical rainforests
(b) River valleys
(c) Polar regions
(d) Coastal areas

Ans: (c) Polar regions.

17. How many years apart is the population survey done in India?
(a) 25 years
(b) 15 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 20 years

Ans: (c) 10 years

18. What does a population pyramid show?
(a) The gap between the birth rate and death rate
(b) The percentage of men and women in different age groups
(c) How many years a person is expected to live on average
(d) The age structure of the population

Ans: (b) The percentage of men and women in different age groups.

19. What is the term for how long a person is expected to live on average?
(a) Birth rate
(b) Death rate
(c) Life expectancy
(d) Population growth rate

Ans: (c) Life expectancy.

20. What is a ‘population pyramid’?
(a) A building made to honour a country’s population
(b) A graph showing the age and gender of a population
(c) A rule to control how fast the population grows
(d) An idea about how populations change over time

Ans: (b) A graph showing the age and gender of a population.

Fill in the blanks

1._____________ is considered to be the ultimate resource. 
2. The top ten countries in population cover about ____________ per cent of the total world population. 
3. The average density of population in the whole world ___________ persons per square km.
4. ______________ is the most populated country in North America.
5. Births are usually measured using the___________ rate.
6. ____________________ is the movement of people in and out of an area. 
7. The difference between the___________and the______________is called the natural growth rate of population.
8. ________________ are those who arrive in a country. 
9. _____________ is the number of years that an average person can expect to live.
10. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PKVY) was started in ______________.

1. Human resource
2. 60
3. 382
4. USA
5. Birth rate
6. Migration
7. Birth rate, Death rate
8. Immigrants
9. Life expectancy
10. 2015

True or False

1. Each of the top ten populated countries has a population of over 100 million.
Ans: True

2. Births are usually measured using the death rate.
Ans: False

3. South Central Asia has the highest density of population.
Ans: True

4. Japan and Bangladesh are very densely populated. We can conclude that both are economically underdeveloped.
Ans: False

5. Resource conservation is the number of years that an average person can expect to live.
Ans: False

6. The population of the world doubled between 1820 and 1999.
Ans: False

7. In the United Kingdom, the birth rate as well as the death rate is low.
Ans: True

8. Emigration When a person enters a country.
Ans: False

9. The average density of the population in India is 382 persons per square km.
Ans: True.

10. India is the most populated country in North America.
Ans: False

Match the following

Column IColumn II
(i)Fertile plains(a) The Sahara desert
(ii) Very hot(b) South Africa
(iii) Extremely cold climate(c) Jerusalem
(iv) Cultural significance(d) Antarctica
(v) Diamond mines(e) The Middle East
(vi) Oil(f) Hwang – Ho in China


Column IColumn II
(i) Fertile plains(f) Hwang – Ho in China
(ii) Very hot climate(a) The Sahara Desert
(iii) Extremely cold climate(d) Antarctica
(iv) Cultural significance(c) Jerusalem
(v) Diamond Mines(b) South Africa
(vi) Oil(e) The Middle East

Short-type questions and answers

1. How does climate affect the population distribution of an area?
Ans. People prefer to live in regions with a moderate climate, and not places of extreme cold and hot, so moderate climate regions are densely populated.

2. What is life expectancy? 
Ans: Life expectancy is the number of years, an average person can expect to live.

3. If 600 people live in your colony, and the area of your colony is 2 sq km, what is the population density of your colony?
Ans: If 600 people live in a 2 sq km area, on average, 300 people live in 1 sq km. So the density of the population is 300 persons per sq km. Q4. Compare the population

4. Which of these countries is more densely populated one with a large population in a large area? 
Ans. A country with a large population in a small area is more densely populated out of the two. VI. Short answer type

5. The world population has grown very rapidly. Why?
 The world population has not been stable and has increased manifold due to advancements in science and technology, increased food production and development in healthcare facilities have helped reduce the death rate.

6. Why are people considered as resources?
 Human resource is a very important resource because they have abilities, knowledge, and skills that turn natural elements into valuable resources. and help their country grow, their efforts are important for progress and development, but the other resources of nature not have found any utility.

7. What is population composition?
Population composition means the different types of people in a group, like age, gender, jobs, education, or background, that show how the population is made up.

8. What is meant by population pyramid?
A population pyramid helps us understand the population’s structure. that shows the number of people in different age groups and genders in a place.

Long-type questions and answers

1. What are the causes for the uneven distribution of population in the world?

Geographical factors

  • Topography: People always prefer to live on plains over mountains and plateaus because these areas are ideal for farming, manufacturing, and service activities. The Ganga plains are the most densely populated areas of the world, while mountains like the Andes, Alps, and Himalayas are lightly populated.
  • Climate: People usually avoid extreme climates that are very hot or very cold like the Sahara desert, and polar regions of Russia, Canada and Antarctica.
  • Soil: Fertile soils provide suitable land for agriculture, the Ganga and Brahmaputra in India, Hwang-He, Chang Jiang in China and the Nile in Egypt are densely populated, examples of fertile soil land.
  • Water: People always prefer to live in areas where fresh water is easily available, river valleys around the world have high populations, whereas deserts have very few people.
  • Minerals: Mineral-rich areas usually have higher populations, for example, diamond mines in South Africa and oil discoveries in the Middle East have encouraged people to settle in these regions.

Social, Cultural and Economic Factors

  • Social: Areas with better housing, education, and health facilities are more densely populated, for example, Pune.
  • Cultural: People are drawn to places with religious or cultural importance, like Varanasi, Jerusalem, and Vatican City.
  • Economic: Industrial areas provide employment opportunities, attracting many people. Osaka in Japan and Mumbai in India are two densely populated areas.

2. What are population pyramids? How do they help in understanding about the population of a country?
A population pyramid helps us understand the population’s structure. that shows the number of people in different age groups and genders in a place.
A population pyramid has two bars side by side—the left side is made for males and the right side is made for females, The  youngest ages are listed at the bottom to the oldest at the top, and the numbers can be shown as total percentages, it helps us see the population’s age and gender structure clearly

The shape of the population pyramid tells how the people live in that particular country
A. Age groups: They tell us how many young, middle-aged, and older people live in the country.
B. Population Growth: The shape of the pyramid shows if the population is growing, shrinking, or staying the same.
C. Future Needs: They help plan for schools, jobs, healthcare, and other services based on the population’s structure.

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