Chapter 1 – A Letter to God Additional Questions and Answers

Content structure

  • A. Very Short Questions
  • B. Short Questions

A. Very Short Questions

1. Where was Lencho’s house located?
Ans: Lencho’s house was located at the crest of a low hill.

2. What was the only hope of Lencho?
Ans: Lencho’s only hope was to get help from God.

3. Why did Lencho keep gazing at the sky?
Ans: Lencho kept gazing at the sky because he was positively waiting for rain.

4. What was feeling of Lencho when it started raining?
Ans: Lencho was feeling very happy when it started raining.

5. At what time the rain start?
Ans: The rain started when the family sat for supper (dinner).

6. What happened with the crop after the rain?
Ans: After the rain, the crops were totally destroyed.

7. How did Lencho and his family react to the calamity?
Ans: Lencho and his family became very sad because Lencho’s hope of getting a good yield was broken.

8. What did Lencho’s field need badly?
Ans: Lencho’s field needed heavy rain badly.

9. What did Lencho compare rain with?
Ans: Lencho compared rain with new coins.

10. What was the effect of the hailstorm on Tile Valley?
Ans: After the hailstorm, no crop or vegetation was left in the full valley.

11. To whom did Lencho write a letter?
Ans: Lencho wrote a letter to God.

12. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
Ans: Lencho wrote a letter to God to get some help.

13. What did he demand from God?
Ans: He demanded money from God.

14. How much money did Lencho demand from God?
Ans: Lencho demanded a hundred pesos from God.

15. Why did he demand money from God?
Ans: Lencho demanded money from God to run his family because his crops were totally destroyed.

16. How much money did Lencho receive from God?
Ans: Lencho received only seventy pesos from God.

17. Who sent money to Lencho?
Ans: The postmaster along with his employees sent money to Lencho.

18. Why was Lencho angry when he received the letter?
Ans: When Lencho received a letter, he became very angry about counting the amount of money. There were only seventy pesos while he asked for a hundred pesos.

19. What did the postmaster do to keep the faith in God?
Ans: The postmaster decided to send money with the help of his employees to keep the faith in God.

20: How did Lencho feel when he counted the money in the envelope?
Ans: As Lencho counted the money he became so angry to get the less amount of.

21. What are the raindrops compared to and why?
Ans: Raindrops are compared to new coins because it was the only source for Lencho to get a good harvest.

22. How did Lencho’s hope change to despair?
Ans: Lencho was waiting for the rain that his field needed. But his hope for good rain vanished when the soothing wind changed into a hailstorm. It destroyed the crops totally so his hope changed to despair.

B. Short Questions

1. What was Lencho’s pride and possession?
Lencho lived in a desolate house on the crest of a low hill in the valley. From this point, he could check and see the river and his pride, the field of ripe corn dotted with flowers. These always promised a good harvest. His only wish was to get good rain to have a good harvest.

2. Why did Lencho become angry when he counted the money?
Ans: Lencho became angry when he counted the money because it was less in amount. He demanded a hundred pesos, but he received only seventy. Lencho had firm trust in God.

3. To whom did Lencho write a letter? What did he ask for?
Ans: When Lencho’s annual crop was destroyed by a hailstorm. He was totally broken but he had only one hope that was getting help from God. So, Lencho wrote a requesting letter to God to send him a hundred pesos.

4. What were Trench’s feelings when he found the letter with money in it? What did he do after opening the letter?
Ans: Lencho was not surprised to the money in the letter as he was fully confident about it. He already knew that God would send money to him. On opening the letter he found seventy pesos instead of a hundred. So, he wrote another letter to God to send him the rest amount but not through the mail as the post officials were a bunch of crooks.

5. Lencho calls the raindrops ‘new coins’. Why does he call them so?
Ans: Lencho was hoping to get good crops because of raindrops. He that after raindrops he would earn a good amount of money to feed his family. So, he calls them new coins.

6. What did Lencho and his field need immediately?
Ans: The only thing that Lencho and his field needed was rain. Lencho, being a farmer wished for heavy rain. His fields needed water immediately. So, he would constantly look at the sky towards the northeast.

7. How did the postmaster react when a postman showed him the letter to God?
Ans: When a postman received Lencho’s letter, he laughed loudly and took that letter to the postmaster. The postmaster looked at the letter to God and laughed very loudly too. But he soon grew serious. He was impressed with Lencho’s faith in God.

8. Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
Ans: Lencho was a hardworking, humble farmer. He had sown a field of corn and was waiting for rain. He was so happy when the rain started. He was expecting a good harvest this year. But his joy turned to sorrow when the rain changed into disastrous. So, he had only hope that is God. So, he wrote a letter to God to get help.

9. What did Lencho write in his second letter?
Ans: Lencho wrote to God that he received only seventy pesos out of the hundred pesos that he had asked for. He asked God to send him the rest amount as it was very much necessary to him. He also suggested God not send through postal mail. He said that the employees of the post office were dishonest and ‘a bunch of crooks’.

10. What is ironic about the ending of the story?
Ans: The end of the story is rather ironic. The postmaster was very impressed with Lencho’s trust in God. He didn’t wish to hurt his feelings so he decided to fulfill Lencho’s demand of a hundred pesos. He collected seventy pesos with the help of his employees, but he was not able to collect the full amount, so he sent seventy pesos. However, this charity was not recognized and appreciated by the man who received the help. On the contrary, the helpers were given another title of ‘a bunch of crooks’.

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